Ginger is a super anti-inflammatory and drinking ginger detox water is a great way to get more of it into your system easily.
Combat Nausea
Ginger is often used to treat nausea – from motion sickness, chemotherapy treatment, to morning sickness, or any time you are just not feeling right.
Reduce Inflammation
But drinking ginger water can help to decrease inflammation, joint swelling and pain experienced in conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. A 2005 article published in “Journal of Medicinal Food” provided scientific evidence for the long-held belief that ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Source: Livestrong
Less Painful Periods
Women who experience intense menstrual cramps may find relief with ginger tea. In a 2012 study published in “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, those who drank ginger tea experienced less pain than those taking a placebo, and the pain did not last as long for the ginger group.
Ingredients: 2
Prep Time: 15 min
1 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger
64 oz Filtered Water
Slice ginger into thin slices and mince into about ¼” pieces. Alternatively you can grate the ginger into small chunks. Place in a heat resistant pot – (I use a glass coffee carafe). Pour boiling water over the ginger and let steep for 15 min (or longer if you like a strong ginger flavor). Strain out the ginger or let it continue to steep for stronger flavor.
You can drink the ginger water hot, warm or cold.
In the summer, I like to add some fresh muddled (aka bruised leaves) to the water after the ginger has been steeped because it is more refreshing. In the colder months, I tend to add a slice of lemon with a bit of honey.
It’s quite tasty and a really healthy way of making drinking water more fun. During the course of the day, drink the whole pot to stay hydrated.