It’s National Wear Red Day! Why Should You Care??? Because Someone You Love Will Benefit
Yay! Today is Wear Red Day. Why is this important to me and so many others?
It’s to raise awareness of the #1 killer of both men and women: heart disease! In this post I wanted to share some statistics on heart disease, risk factors, and what you can do about it. And if you skip this thinking you already know everything, you could be hurting yourself or someone you love by NOT sharing this information with them. Let’s get started…
The STATS Are In
Did you know that one in five women die from heart disease? That’s more deaths than from all cancers combined!
Heart Disease And Race
Heart disease doesn’t know the color of your skin. It doesn’t discriminate.
- #1 cause of death for both whites and African Americans (but African Americans have a few other risk factors – see below)
- Tied for #1 with Cancer amongst Hispanics and Native Americans
- #2 just behind cancer for Asian women
To My African American Friends
- 50% African American women over the age of 20 have heart disease
- Only one in 5 believes she has any risk
- 40% of those over age 20 have high blood pressure. This is higher than any other race in part because they may have a gene for sodium sensitivity.
But The Symptoms Are Different for Women Than Men
- Angina – that pain in your chest. It doesn’t have to be crushing (like an elephant sitting on your chest). It can be sharp, dull or just some chest discomfort
- Pain – in your neck, jaw or throat
- Pain – in your upper abdomen or back
These symptoms can happen during rest…
- Nausea, Vomiting, or fatigue.
- Dizziness or shortness of breath can also occur.
If you were with a man …
If you were a man who had these symptoms, you would tell them to see a doctor ASAP. Call 911 or get to the ER. Ladies, treat yourself with the same appreciation and respect. Take care of yourself and go get checked out. Don’t apologize if it turns out not to be a symptom of heart disease. You are worth it!
Key Risk Factors For Heart Attack
You know this, but it bears repeating.
- Smoking
- High LDL
- High blood pressure
- Stress
Sometimes humor has a better way of getting a heavy message across than these boring stats. Check this video out – “Just A Little Heart Attack”. You’ll recognize Elizabeth Banks and remember what to look for – especially for the ladies who don’t look like they would be heart attack candidates.
Compounding Factors For Everyone
Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices make heart disease even more prevalent. We know these things too, but it bears repeating.
- Diabetes
- Being overweight or obesity
- Eating an unhealthy diet
- Physical inactivity
- Drinking too much alcohol
Solutions to reducing heart disease
Most of us know this. Blah, blah, blah – we don’t want to hear it and it can be so hard to change our habits. Just pick one thing to start working on so it’s manageable. Get help if you need it, because it can be really hard to do this by yourself. And changing these habits can save your life!
- Quit smoking
- Eat healthy diet – Mediterranean diet, vegetarian, vegan, reduced salt, saturated fats
- Aerobic Exercise – increase heart rate at least 20 min
- Reduce stress
Where I Come In
Stress, specifically reducing it, is where I come in…
Why? Because I need to do it for myself. And why wouldn’t I share what I learn with you? We all know people that may be overweight, smoke, or are couch potatoes. And even with those things going on, they are less likely to have a heart attack or even get sick at all.
Why? Because they are Happy and Relaxed.
Stress was the biggest contributor to my heart attack. I didn’t realize how toxic those emotions were until AFTER my heart attack. Those emotions changed the biochemistry of my body causing me to have a heart attack. (To learn more about my heart attack and how it happened, check out the video below.)
My Gift – Stress Reducing Resources
Most of us are around smart phones and computers every day. I leverage that.
I discovered apps, videos, movies, books and podcasts all designed to reduce stress and increase happiness. I created a resource guide with my favorites. If you’d like to get your FREE copy, please visit to download. Pass it along to the women (and men) that you love.
Additional Resources: