You really can lower your blood pressure quickly and easily by following these simple steps. Breathe in for 4 counts – a deep belly breath inhaling through the nose. Hold for 2 counts. Exhale for 8 counts feeling your belly drop and expel all the air in your lungs. Repeat 10 times. To do this correctly you want to make sure your belly rises and fills. While exhaling, your abdomen will lower. Check this out.
Do this and and in just a few minutes – voila! – you can lower your blood pressure quickly and easily. I guess I was meant to know this because my friend, Jean LaVallie and my naturopathic doctor both shared this with me in the past few days. So I am passing this along to you.
I tried this technique this morning. And my blood pressure was reduced by 20 points! No kidding. You should try it. You have nothing to lose. The best part is that it doesn’t cost anything and it’s super easy. If you try this and have success, please leave a comment below and don’t forget to share this with your friends!
Another interesting visual is this image. Click on it and it will help you to count.