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Discover The Best Hidden Gem When Life Throws Problems Your Way

December 12th, 2024 by Audrey Weidman

Source: Unsplash Laurine Bailly

When life throws problems our way, it’s easy to focus on what’s wrong or missing. But hidden within every challenge is often a surprising gem—an opportunity to see life in a new light.

It could be the joy of a hot shower after camping. Or the relief of breathing easily after having a bad cold. Or a deeper connection with loved ones after a close call.

Life’s struggles, big and small, reveal treasures we may not have been aware of until then. Moments of contrast have a way of making the ordinary feel extraordinary. They hold the key to unlocking a profound sense of gratitude – the hidden gem of a hardship.

The Camping Paradox: Why Discomfort Enhances Gratitude

I like to camp. I love being in nature and getting away from it all.  But… I could be dealing with clammy dampness inside the tent when the temperature drops to the dew point. On another day, I could be sticky with sweat and wanting to take a long shower. 

There’s no comfy bed, no temperature regulation, and no fridge filled with my favorite food. And when the sun sets, I fumble in the dark with a flashlight. 

Then I return home, and suddenly, the my house feels magical. As the shower cascades warm water  over my skin, it’s like a mini-miracle! The light switch I flip on without thought becomes a portal to instant brightness. And as I stand in front of my fridge, my food is at a safe temperature and overflowing with things I enjoy. 

One hundred fifty years ago – even the richest person in the world didn’t have these luxuries.   Camping reminds me to of what “riches” I already have.  That contrast transforms everyday conveniences into sources of gratitude. It’s not that these comforts weren’t there before, but now I see them—really appreciate them—in a new way.

How Near-Death Experiences Can Transform How We Love and Live

Nothing sharpens our appreciation for life the near loss of it.  Maybe you’ve had a close call yourself. Maybe a friend or family member had an illness or accident. And suddenly, your life or that of a loved one feels so very precious.

I remember my friend Linda said that she thought I’d come to realize what a blessing my heart attacks was.  And my response was “Yeah right, you didn’t have one and it totally sucks”.  But she was right.

I survived two heart attacks.  It has has reshaped how I view my life and relationships. Hugs, laughter, and quiet moments feel more like gifts because I’ve experienced how quickly life can change.

The same is true when we lose someone. While the pain of their absence never fully fades, it can make the love we have for those who remain more precious. We say “I love you” more often or call just to check in, and cherish shared time instead of taking it for granted. We are kinder to others.


Injuries and the Gift of a Healthy Body

Have you ever stubbed your toe and then spend days marveling at how much you rely on that one little digit? Or maybe you’ve broken a bone or strained a muscle. Suddenly tasks you used to do effortlessly—brushing your teeth, walking up stairs, or even opening a jar—become monumental.

When we’re injured, we’re forced to slow down and notice how much our bodies usually do for us without complaint. Healing can be frustrating. But it also opens the door to gratitude for the everyday miracles of movement, strength, and sensation.

Appreciate what your body can do, even on the hard days. Every heartbeat, every deep breath, every step feels like a triumph.



How to Cultivate Gratitude Through Contrast

Life’s challenges naturally create moments of contrast. Yet we can actively cultivate this perspective to deepen our gratitude. Here are a few ways to start:

  1. Reflect on Discomfort: After a challenging experience—whether it’s a tough hike, a broken appliance, or a minor illness—pause to notice the comforts you once took for granted.
  2. Reframe Loss: While loss is painful, it can also heighten our appreciation for what we still have. Use it as a reminder to cherish the people and things that bring you joy.
  3. Practice “What If” Thinking: Imagine life without certain comforts or abilities. How would you feel if you didn’t have clean water, a functioning hand, or a best friend? Let that thought cultivate gratitude for their presence.
  4. Express Appreciation: Take a moment to thank your body, your loved ones, and the little conveniences in your life. Gratitude grows when it’s shared.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Wayne Dyer

A Final Thought

Gratitude born from contrast reminds us of a fundamental truth: life’s difficulties don’t just take—they also teach. They teach us to value what we have, to savor the ordinary, and to see beauty in the smallest blessings.

So the next time you’re faced with discomfort or a challenge, consider this: what might it be revealing to you about the goodness in your life? Often, it’s the darkest nights that make the stars shine the brightest. ✨

Let’s embrace the contrasts and find gratitude in the gifts they reveal. 💖



One thought on “Discover The Best Hidden Gem When Life Throws Problems Your Way”

  1. Ana Tolentino says:

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    Very insightful. I love the camping analogy. We learn to appreciate what we have when we do without! Thank you!

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