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I Got The Best Possible News And Started To Cry

December 7th, 2018 by Audrey Weidman

In early September, I had an appointment with my cardiologist.  I had been putting off this appointment.  I really should’ve gone in May, but I delayed.  I needed blood work, I needed records transferred.  And on and on.  I didn’t really want to go to a cardiologist because it didn’t exactly bring up good memories.  I finally went to the appointment in early-September.  And you know what????  I got the best possible news and started to cry…

My EKG (electrocardiogram) was normal!!!

In cardiac rehab I was told that my EKG would always show the tissue death that results from a heart attack.  Dead muscle tissue doesn’t conduct electrical activity.  And when I had looked at my earlier EKG readings, even I could see that my EKG’s weren’t normal.

It has been shown that EKG’s of people with heart attacks can return to normal under certain conditions.  One is if you are treated immediately and the blood supply is restored to the heart cells quickly.  I, however, walked around for two days not knowing I had a heart attack.

The other is if the dead muscle tissue didn’t occupy the full thickness of the heart.  My earlier EKG did show that the heart was damaged.   But I will admit that I’m lucky – and if I had to have a heart attack – mine was small and in a good location at the very tip of my heart.

I also believe in the power of intention and that you can change your genetic expression by creating the right biological chemistry with the thoughts you think.  I studied Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work – a researcher who proved that thoughts become things.  I studied Dr Joe Dispenza’s work along with Louise Hay, Dawson Church, Dana Wilde, John Assaraf and more.  They all point to the same thing.  Thoughts become things – so I was damn well going to think empowering, wonderful thoughts!  And support my body in the healing process.

I Took Action

So I set out to heal myself and did everything I could.

  • I went to cardiac rehab and pushed myself.  And I’ve continued with with the cardiac workouts.
  • I became vigilant with my diet, took supplements to support my heart and reduce inflammation.
  • I went and continue to go to yoga – mostly yin and therapeutic yoga.
  • I go outside and walk with my dog – and enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of nature.
  • I changed my media consumption.  I don’t listen to the news much.  I unfriend people on social media that get me upset and instead follow positive thought leaders first.
  • I cherish my friends and family.  I am grateful and no longer take them for granted.
  • But the biggest thing I did was to change my mind with the power of intention during meditation.

I like to visualize an outcome that I desire and then imagine the feeling that I would feel when that happens.   When you meditate like this, you CAN change the expression of your genes.  It’s called changing your epigenetics (switching your gene expression on or off).

And this is what I did. I imagined going to the doctor, getting the EKG done, and my doctor looking surprised when they read the results!   And that’s what happened.  I got the BEST possible news.

But don’t take my word on this.  Check out this great interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton  – a thought leader on epigenetics.

Pearls of Wisdom Right Here

So after getting this terrific news, I asked my cardiologist his opinion on what role heavy metals might have played (I had above levels of mercury from fillings and lead most likely from our old house)?  And he looked at me and gave me these pearls of wisdom…

[bctt tweet=”You’ve done your very best. Don’t look back.” username=”AudreyWeidman”]

You’ve healed and this is the best possible news.

Your carotid arteries are good, EKG is normal, ejection fraction is well above average.

You will never know what really caused the heart attack and in the end, does it really matter?

Don’t look for something to blame it on.  Move forward.

Continue to do what you are doing.   And you don’t need to see me anymore, unless you want to or an issue comes up.”

Upon hearing this I cried.

Hearing him say that, lifted a cloud from me.  I got the best possible news.  And it empowered me knowing that thoughts can become things and that I have proven it to myself!

You can hear me sharing my joy in this video…

In the end, I think my heart attack happened for a reason.  And I believe it is to be an inspiration to others.  When you have a health crisis (or when you get a warning call), you need to make a shift.  Take care of your body – feed it healthy food, supplement your nutrition to boost areas where you may be deficient, and probably most important is to take care of your mind.

If you would like to have help with that – I walk the talk and can support you!  Email me if you’d like to see how I can help.


2 thoughts on “I Got The Best Possible News And Started To Cry”

  1. Deborah says:

    Wow, amazing story! So happy you survived so we could become Facebook friends! We have many similar lifestyle passions. I love your honesty❤️

  2. Audrey Weidman says:

    thank you Deborah for your kind words.

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