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Shift Into Shape Week 1 – Exercise and Hypnosis Programs

January 14th, 2014 by Audrey Weidman


Week 1

Our 28 Day health journey begins.  I’m so excited for you and really want you to focus on what your end goal is.  Do you want to lose 10 pounds?  What size pants will you be wearing at the end of the 28 days?  Do you want more energy and vitality? All of this is possible if we adopt some new healthy habits.

But I’m not going to lie.  The first few days will be the hardest.  So it is even more important for you to keep the end in mind.  Some of us have years, even decades of unhealthy habits to overcome.  So keep the end in mind.

Most people experience more energy, clearer thinking and an improved sense of well-being.  However, sometime depending upon your current eating habits here are a couple of things you might experience during the first week of the Shape Shifting:

Bloating, Gas, Headaches

The bloating and gas are most likely due to the increased fiber in your diet and your gut flora adapting to the foods that you are eating.  Your health coach will be checking in with you, but you may consider adding probiotics to your diet to counteract this.  Positive bacteria will populate your gut and be better able to process the new healthy foods you are eating.

If you experience a headache, this is likely due to sugar withdrawal.  Sugar addiction is a real thing.  Allow your body to acclimate and keep the end in mind.  You CAN do this

Exercise Program

Here is workout that is designed for Shift Into Shape by my friend Abby who is a personal trainer. This is a gentle exercise program designed to keep your joints lubricated, improve your range of motion, and drain the lymphatic system.  Abby designed this workout so that you don’t need equipment – you don’t even have to get on the floor. You can do this at the office, at home, anywhere!

For some of you this may be challenging, for some of you it will be easy.  Regardless of fitness level, you will benefit and it only takes 15 minutes!  Do this routine at least once per day.  I find if I do exercise first thing in the morning, I’m more likely to stick with it, but do what is right for you.

Self Hypnosis

To make your weight loss a new habit, you have to shift your mind.  That is why the self-hypnosis will be a key tool to help you achieve the end goal you set for yourself.   My friend, Claudia Chavez, is a hypnotist and a woman’s empowerment coach.  She has developed a self hypnosis audio for you to listen to.  Best times are right before you go to bed or right upon waking up.  In both cases you will be in a relaxed state that is more receptive to new thoughts and idea creation.

You can find that here.  Download this and put it on a device (phone) that is easy for you to use.  Week 1: Self-Hypnosis

Final Reminders

As you start on your new program remember to drink lots of water – half your body weight in ounces.  Hopefully you’ve been buidling up to this in the week before we start.  It’s important for internal cleansing and to help you feel a bit more satisfied.  Lots of us eat when we are thirsty – so let’s drink water instead!

To kick start your first day:

  • Start day with glass of water with 1/2 squeezed lemon to alkalize the body.  (Disease doesn’t grow in alkaline conditions).
  • AM Shake: My Smart Protein Meal Replacement Shake
  • Mid-morning: My Smart High Protein Bar
  • Lunch:My Smart Protein Meal Replacement Shake
  • Mid-afternoon: Fruit or 2nd My Smart Bar, unlimited veggies
  • Dinner: Low Glycemic Meal (refer to Meal Planning Sheet sent in earlier email)

Keep the end in mind, the healthier slimmer you, and look forward to getting a call from your health coach in the next few days! 


One thought on “Shift Into Shape Week 1 – Exercise and Hypnosis Programs”

  1. Carolyn says:

    Excited to get started, Audrey!!

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